Nursey's Niche

Everyday brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes and dance!

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Location: somewhere over the rainbow

Emerson once said, "Insist on yourself; never imitate...every man is unique." I hope to be that way in every breath that I breathe, in every song that I sing, and every dance that I dance... My dance has taken me on quite the journey over the years! Right now I am living in Terrace, BC with my best friend and husband Matt and my little sister Heather... we're better together... I work at the hospital as a RN and am working toward my nursing specialty certificate in Critical Care... a journey for sure!

Monday, April 06, 2009


Have you ever thought about why you feel so much closer to people after you have spilled your guts about your deepest darkests?
It never ceases to amaze me how vulnerability creates intimacy - and yet, I am so often afraid to be open and vulnerable with people. why??? why is it that I think that walls will protect me, when in reality they are the very things that harm me because they keep people away... we are designed to be in relationship with people... fellowship - to be one as Jesus and the Father are one... it is our design - created in His likeness for such... and yet - I still hide behind my walls... sometimes unknowingly (to my defense :P)... Matt and I have had quite a few conversations these last few days about some pretty tough issues and I have found that at this end of things we are closer than before... I think it has to do with that verse about 'confessing your sins one to another that you may be healed' and 'love covers a multitude of sins'... Matt challenged me in many areas... and now I want to ask you - those of you who are close... please feel free to challenge me if and when you notice me putting up walls... trying to hide behind a certain facade of 'have it all together' - cuz I really most certainly don't... sigh I am human... walking in the grace that is afforded me today...
And I also want to challenge you... take the opportunity in the next few days to be vulnerable with someone - share what you are going through at the core of who you are... and let love overflow from above into that situation and watch the intimacy grow... be it with a spouse, a friend or relative...
