We can only build what Jesus is building... we must build for him a dwelling place for Holy Spirit to dwell... He is building us into a royal priesthood - a holy nation... we are God's fellow workers - his building (1Cor3:9)... We must show up and take our place in the wall - we must take our place as a living stone... we must have a heart that anticipates that God wants to use us... we are his hands and feet in this world... we are his dwelling place... his temple.
It is time to start building what Jesus is building. To get vision from the throne of heaven and to take action. Our Father's kindom suffers violence... and the violent must take it by force (Matt 11:12)... it requires action! We must shout our battle cry with our actions. We must ask ourselves what our worship is costing us? What sacrifice are we presenting before our God?
He is asking: "Where is an offering that I can consume with my presence?"
What are we offering him, where are we sharing the gifts that he has given the world through us... they are not for us - they are for the world - for the body of believers... it is time to bring the sacrifice... it is time to build the Kingdom of God
I find my heart stirred today... I find my heart humbled before my maker and my master as he challenges me to bring my offering. I have been sitting by holding onto the gifts that he has placed within me for fear that I would not be 'good enough'... but that is the key... to NOT be good enough... for when we are weak HE can be strong and HE receives glory. Holy Spirit is challenging me to bring a sacrifice of praise... to serve my church... to serve my community... to remember that it is NOT about me... I am once again humbled at his feet... I confess my selfishness before him, I confess my laziness to my creator... and I receive forgiveness... I receive his commission to GO... Labels: my daily dance