Nursey's Niche

Everyday brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes and dance!

My Photo
Location: somewhere over the rainbow

Emerson once said, "Insist on yourself; never imitate...every man is unique." I hope to be that way in every breath that I breathe, in every song that I sing, and every dance that I dance... My dance has taken me on quite the journey over the years! Right now I am living in Terrace, BC with my best friend and husband Matt and my little sister Heather... we're better together... I work at the hospital as a RN and am working toward my nursing specialty certificate in Critical Care... a journey for sure!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

hmm I wonder

So I talked to my dadio yesterday.... I had been calling for three days straight - like a stalker... and finally got a hold of him yesterday! I am departing this city in such a few short days (13 to be exact) and so I was hoping to at least see my dad before I leave... I know that I probably won't get the chance when I am back here in January... so he says what about tomorrow? (meaning today) and beggars can't be choosers so I said sure thing... so we'll see cuz it's raining today and he cancelled in April because it was raining... hmm we'll see what happens... its noon and I haven't heard anything yet so who knows!
I have tons of work to do today in preparation for tomorrow... this weekend I finish my last clinical shifts... the end is soooo close!! Exam on Tuesday, presentation on Wed morning... thats it!
ALSO just found out... (super excited here!) My sweet love has made an appointment for me with a stylist downtown TO... for my birthday!!!! Its on Wednesday next week, after my grad photos... and before my party! I am super excited...Wednesday is going to be a great day... but that is next week... so for now... TODAY is going to be a great day - cuz I am going to be productive and work on the presentation for next week... and bake chocolate chip cookies for the staff as a thank you and... I am gonna go out with my dad... oh and of course let's not forget GREY'S tonight!!


Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I could so fall asleep right now....giggles but I won't as I am headed off ot hang with E-man and Carter-boo... good times...
Well, you will all be happy to know - the paper was finished in record time and my lack of sleep was in no way related to being up finishing an assignmnet... I was up purely for personal matters!
Anyway - I'll write more later!!! Yikes I gotta go!


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Taming Time

By Dr. John C. Maxwell

Time is precious. Ask the coach whose team is behind in the final seconds of a game. Ask the air traffic controller in charge of scheduling takeoffs and landings at a major airport. Ask the news reporter who has just received a breaking story from the AP wire. Ask the cancer patient who has recently learned they have only two months left to live.
Time management is an oxymoron. Time is beyond our control, and the clock keeps ticking regardless of how we lead our lives. Priority management is the answer to maximizing the time we have. Our days are identical suitcases—all the same size—but some can pack more into them than others. No one has a magical ability to make time, but if our lives have direction, we can make the most of the moments we have been given.
Time is more valuable than money, because time is irreplaceable. “You don’t really pay for things with money,” says author Charles Spezzano in What to Do between Birth and Death. “You pay for them with time.” We exchange our time for dollars when we go to work and then trade our dollars for everything we purchase and accumulate. In essence, all we possess can be traced back to an investment of time. Time stewardship is perhaps a leader’s greatest responsibility. In the words of Peter Drucker, “Nothing else distinguishes effective executives as much as their tender loving care of time.”


I am free...

True freedom is something that so many have searched for... searched for it in power, in money, in adventure... but true freedom is never found there.
It is found only in the environment of love... of vulnerability and exposure. When we open ourselves raw, lay bare all that makes us who we are - all the beauty, along with all the nasty - when we walk in that we are walking in true freedom...
Think about it for just a minute... think to the times when you have felt the most alive and free... I am going to guess that those times were times when you were completely 'you' without reservation but with reckless abandon!
I am really learning to love vulnerability... well trying to anyway! It is so incredible to me that even when I share my most difficult struggles or crazy habits and quirky actions... I still find love. woooow
Honestly, that is one of the greatest gifts that the world has given me... I have been me, and found acceptance and love... incredible! It was a first for me to find that I could be loved and accepted just as I am... I didn't have to be perfect, I could rest in knowing... I am always going to be imperfect and thats ok.... And really to be honest - I know Papa was always there holding out that hand - I was just too stubborn to see that and chose not to make myself aware of it.
All throughout the word we can find reference to freedom... Here are some good keys!

Psalm 119:45 - I walk about in freedom, for I have sought your precepts.

Jeremiah 34:15 - Recently you repented and did what was right in my sight: each of you proclaimed freedom to his countrymen. You even made a covenant before me in the house that bears my name.

Romans 8:21 - that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God

Galatians 5:1 - It was for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm than and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.

1 Peter 2:16 - Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.

Certainly - there are zillions more to be found... more treasure to unbury! My challenge daily is to embrace that freedom and to walk free from 'the decay' that life sends... to do what is right in they eyes of my Papa, and to dance about in that freedom!

OK now.. that productive day yesterday... yah right - I got my final eval done... baked some chocolate chip cookies, talked to my mama forever, and met my sweet love for dinner - ah wonder! So as you can see... no big assignment... which is due tomorrow... less than 24hrs away! Oh GOSH... today I have class too... and a meeting with my current pastor... time to get crackin!


Monday, November 27, 2006

mysterious ways...

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed. - Joseph P. Dooley

Up early today (well early considering sleep eluded me until about 3am) and talked with my mama for almost two hours! Missed the bus that I originally wanted to take at 10:30... (I had some stuff to do at the shopping centre) - but turns out for the best as Kara called and babysitting today was cancelled... and as sad as my pocketbook (who really calls it that) will miss the weekly income - it is truly a great thing - I have a huge assignment due on Wednesday morning by 8am... and its worth 40% of our mark - and it also goes without mentioning that I have not written a single word of it... So God really does work in mysterious ways!

I think that sometimes we miss seeing how God works because we don't pay attention to the details that encompass all that God is... such a delight!

Here is some stuff I read today...

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24

In "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty" Dr. Watson says of Holmes: "He walked past the couch to an open window and held up the drooping stalk of a moss rose, looking down a thte dainty blend ofcrimson and green. It was new phase of his character to me, for I had never before seen him show ans interest in natural objects. "'There is nothign in whihc deduction is so necessary as in religion,' said he, leaning with his back against the shutters... 'Our highest assurance of the goodness of Providence seems to me to rest in the flowers. All other things, our powers, our desires, our food, are really necessary for our existence in the first instance. But this rose is and extra. Its smell and its colour are an embellishment of life, not a condition of it. It is only goodness which gives extras, and so I say again that we have much to hope from the flowers.'"

That was so interesting to read... I don't always think of things like that but really it is sooo true! Life is filled with extras - gifts from a loving God that embellish and enrich our lives. Things like reading that truly touch my life... I always love finding different ways to look at things and different perspectives that present different views of who God is... I will never look at a flower the same way again... smiles... they have incredible meaning to my tiny heart now!

Now that we are all over the map... I have just returned from a quick outting to get my bus ticket for Terrace... leaving on the 13th... wow - like two weeks away! YIKES! And I got some eggs... to make chocolate chip cookies for the pples on 4M to say thanks a zillion for all your help in my learning this past semester... smiles (gonna miss them! but glad to be done!)
So off to get some of that essay at least started - even if it is only a few words! OH! just reminded of my final evaluation... sigh - gotta get that done today too and sent off! crazy day! I love it... well ok a little sarcasm there... but the reward will come later tonight as I have dinner with my sweet love... life has been busy and we haven't been out in forever it seems! East Side Marios it is... mmmm I think I already know what I want!
Ok now I am just rambling... time to buckle down... 6hrs til dinner... lets see how much I can accomplish and how little I procrastinate! Ambitious I know... wink!


Sunday, November 26, 2006


I was talking with a new friend this evening... we were discussing what the am sermon was about... and how it impacted us specifically (well along that line)

Anyway, his pastor was talking about being thankful (american US) and the importance of rembering to be thankful for all things... and also about prayer...his pastor was saying that people usally pray about just the big things and not small stuff, which is somthing that many of us find ourselves doing without even realizing... but what we neglect to see is that Whatever we pray about is small in the eyes of God - there is absolutely nothing that he cannot do our prayer requests both big and small to us... 'aint nothing but a thing' to him! (definitely more to come on this... it was an 'ah ha' moment for me!)

As for the rest of the evening... its always great to talk about the deeper things with friends... we talked and talked for hours... about stuff in the fridge and about our 'lists'...

Now about the 'lists' - we talked about the small things.. and the went into the deeper things... things that sometimes we wouldn't think about including like a high sex drive - granted that is something that you have to trust Papa to take care of - it is still something that I think if it is important to you, should be included.... things like physical attributes can be included but taken lightly becuase they are things that will fade with time... other things that were very high on the list were different character attributes - like a love relationship with God, integrity, accountability, humility...

I open this to comments on any things that you guys put on your list that you may not think that I have...


he really does!

Papa really does read the spoken and unspoken petitions of my heart...

I had been wanting for a while now to learn more about the facts behind evolution and creation - to add strength to my argument.

My friend Justin and I often have this argument and it was really interesting to me to learn about some of the facts! Pastor Gary spoke today to that very effect! It was really incredible some of the issues that he covered... totally dispelled a lot of Justin's 'cold hard facts' - made me smile inside... next sunday there is going to be a guest speaker to continue on in the discussion of evolution vs. creation - someone who has done a great deal (years) of research in this area... I wonder if I can get Justin to come with me... I'll just have to beg and plead and nag... giggles - he is supposed to be coming to visit next weekend possibly, so maybe we can work it out 'in such a way'!!

Church was great... the music is absolutely incredible as this church was built for acustics and for dramatic presentations and for very large numbers! Kind of makes you feel like you are right up in heaven with the angels... The christmas musical is going to be quite wonderful I am thinking... they are expecting about five thousand people...

So the rest of my day... gonna try to get some work done on my assignments... only 10 days til done school!!! Makes it really hard to concentrate!!! 17 days til Terrace.... 29 days til christmas!


Saturday, November 25, 2006

my little girl...

My Papa loves me! (this is one of our songs... enjoy!)

Verse 1:
Gotta hold on easy as I let you go. Gonna tell you how much I love you, though you think you already know. I remember I thought you looked like an angel wrapped in pink so soft and warm. You've had me wrapped around your finger since the day you were born.

Chorus: Your beautiful baby from the outside in. Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home again. Go on, take on this whole world. But to me you know you'll always be, my little girl.

Verse 2: When you were in trouble that crooked little smile could melt my heart of stone. Now look at you, I've turned around and you've almost grown. Sometimes you're asleep I whisper "I Love You!" in the moonlight at your door. As I walk away, I hear you say, "Daddy Love You More!".

(Repeat Chorus)

Verse 3: Someday, some boy will come and ask me for your hand. But I won't say "yes" to him unless I know, he's the half that makes you whole, he has a poet's soul, and the heart of a man's man. I know he'll say that he's in love. But between you and me. He won't be good enough!

(Repeat Chorus)


God reads the petitions of the Heart

I am usually pretty good at taking pills... but this vitamin was on a mission! It tried to choke me! ack! (I am ok now - conquored the vitamin!)

The question of the day:
Does God acknowledge the petition of my heart whether it is spoken or unspoken?

The answer to that question is answered in 2Kings 4... There is a nameless woman in the Old Testament that is only known as "a notable woman" (2 Kings 4:8). Thoughts of personal desire did not distract this woman; rather, she wa a woman of deep spiritual contentment. She also possessed the gift of hospitality. Her thoughts were on the prophet Elisha and his need for a comfortable place to rest as he frequently traveled by on the road near her house. With her husband's permission she built a special guest room onto their house just for Elisha. The prophet was so grateful that he wanted to repay the woman's kindness. He offered to present her to the king, but she wasn't interested in social status. It was tclear that the Sunammite woman was perfectly content with caring for her husband and servign the prophet.
But Elisha was determined to repay her kindness and hospitality. He consulted with his servant Gehazi: "'What then is to be done for her' And Gehazi answered, 'Actually, she has no son, and her husband is old'" (2 Kings 4:14).
This woman bore the mark of barrenness. She endured social disgrace in her community. But she never complained or attempted to use her relationship withthe prophet Elisha to help her fulfill the void in her life. Instead of focusing on what she needed from God, she focused on how to faithfully serve the Lord. Throu Elisha, the Lord answered this woman's secret petition. One year after she added a new room onto her house fo the prophet, she joyfully made room for her new son.
What lesson can I learn from the 'notable woman'? No matter how desperate my need, I can't allow delays or the passage of time to make me think that God does not acknowledge the desires of my heart. It is when life seems barren and unfulfilling that God teaches me to let go of feelings that create stress and anxiety. Finally, I need to learn to rest in him: "rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him" (Psalm 37:7)
Delays, confusion, and rejection are exercise equipment that God uses to build my faith. "And not ony that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverence; and perseverance, character; and character, hope" (Romans 5:3-4).

Papa you know what my future holds... you are the beginning and the end... you saw my yesterdays, you see my today, and you hold all of my tomorrows... help me to be like the notable woman whose 'work' in life was building your kingdom... sometimes I tend to think that building your kingdom means being a preacher or a missionary or something grandioso... but I want to be like the notable woman... who built your kingdom where she was, with what you gave her... sometimes all it takes is just letting people know they are loved... afterall, isn't that what you do for me? sigh... I never get tired thinking about how much you love me... and find it amazing that you don't either... I sure can be a pest... smiles - let's just sit a while...


Friday, November 24, 2006

my dream...

I have recently been informed about this... miracle of heaven... Dear Santa... or anyone who is listening! I must try it! (now for those of you who don't know... I have a secret affair with peanut butter - I love)


Cardiology Symposium...

I slept in a little today... had 15 minutes to get ready and run out the door to catch my bus for the Cardiology Symposium... made it!
I was early - but such is the life of taking buses and having to make connections... it was either early or late... and I don't like being late!
The symposium was really good - there were about 5 cardiologists that presented - all of them were wonderful, save the last one who was all over the map literally! (his laser pointer was absolutely terrible to follow!)
Once that was over - I walked home... (seems I like to make these long distance treks as of late!) It was a nice day... and I figured I could use the exercise after those delicious double chocoate pieces of heaven!
Home to talk to mama darling for a while... then had a bath... and almost had a 911 worthy episode!!! I stood up and the room started spinning, started seeing black spots, pulse racing, almsot vomitted... yikes - no idea what was going on! I wrapped a towl around myself and stumbled into my bed where I just had to lay down for a bit... I am ok now... not a clue what happened... hmmm


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

here comes the bride...

So everyone is getting married! Holy jumpin... did I miss a memo or something! CRAZY!!!
It seems like everyone I talk to lately is getting engaged... planning weddings... wow... I think I am gonna be broke! Maybe I should join in on this whole conspiracy... let's see... oh! need a man! ha ha - no go for a while... not for me anyway! I am still in my 'no dating' contract... well only til January... but then I am going to re-evaluate... possibly renew... we'll see what Papa has to say!


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

great way to pass class!

1. How old will you be in five years?28
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today? nursing students - Current Issues in Health Care
3. How tall are you?5'7"
4. What do you look forward to most in the next eight weeks? CHRISTMAS!!! :D and new years, and my big move! OH and learning to snowboard!
5. What’s the last movie you saw? Cars (with my boys)
6. Who is the last person you called? my mamma
7. Who was the last person to call you? Brittney
18. Where is your favorite place to be? hmm... I think with people that love me!
19. Where is your least favorite place to be? definitely the dentist!
20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere? I would go somewhere hot - for a holiday - not for work!
21. Where do you think you will be in ten years? I've got a whole plan... so by 10 years - I will probably have my masters degree and have my own practice
22. Do you tan or burn? I tan and I burn - even though I used to work on the SunSafety commity in Public Health, and know that either is terrible for you!
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? I used to have nightmares as a kid... that was probalby the worst...
24. What was the last thing that made you laugh? I am about due for a good laugh...
25. How many televisions do you have in your house? two - mine in the livingroom and Jill's in her bedroom
26. How big is your bed? Queen
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? laptop and palm
28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on? depends on the night really
29. What color are your sheets? dark purple or deep burgundy
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? only one under my head... but there are usually 5 on my bed
31. What is your favorite season?thats a hard one - probably summer
32. What do you like about fall?the colours... the smell
33. What do you like about winter? CHRISTMAS - and I am gonna love snowboarding!
34. What do you like about the summer? I love the heat... and the long sunshine filled days!
35.What do you like about spring? everything is coming alive again!
36. How many states have you lived in? 2 provinces.
37. What cities/towns have you lived in? 8 or 9 I think I think
38. Do you prefer bare feet, socks, or shoes? bare feet for sure...
39. Are you a social person? I am!
40. What was the last thing you ate? a tropical fruit source
41. What is your favorite restaurant? I think EastSideMario's
42. What is your favorite ice cream? Cookies n Cream
43. What is your favorite dessert? Cheesecake
44. What is your favorite kind of soup? Chicken noodle
45. What kind of jelly do you like on your peanut butter and jelly? no jelly - just peanut butter!!
46. Do you like Chinese food? ewww no!
47. Do you like coffee? I love it!
48. How many glasses of water do you drink a day? I try to drink 8 - but don't always make it
49. What do you drink in the morning? coffee
50. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? with someone else
51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? if laying in the bed, my side would be the left side.
52. Do you know how to play poker?If the rules/hands are taped to the wall beside me.
53. Do you like to cuddle? I love to cuddle!
54. Have you ever been to Canada? I live there! such a beautiful country!
55. Do you have an addictive personality? thank goodness no...
56. Do you eat out or at home more often? probably pretty equal...
57. Do you know anyone w/the same birthday as you? sure do - Jesus! (although I guess technically his bday is April 1)
58. Do you have a crush? not really
59. Do you want kids? someday - not right now
60. Do you speak any other languages?un petit peu de francais... et poco d'italiano... espanol?
61. Have you ever gotten stitches?yeppers - upper right forehead - had a rock stuck in it!
62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? yeppers, from Mills to Kitimat - accompanying a patient - thank heavens not for me!
63. Do you prefer a pool or an ocean? I like the beaches that the ocean provides... otherwise fish free pools please!
64. Do you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat? window seat - cuz I don't like pple bumping into me!
65. Do you know how to drive stick? thanks go BJ - sure do!
66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? Really anything! I love buying presents though - I go beyond broke at Christmas
67. Do you wear any jewelry all the time? sure do - always wear my earrings and my bellyring... my necklace and my rings are dependent on whether I am working or not - cuz they are 'hazards'
68. What is your favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy
69. Can you roll your tongue? yup
70. Who is the funniest person you know? my darling sister - makes me laugh better than anyone else!
71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nope I don't
72. What is the main ring tone on your phone? some boring thing - I rarely hear it!
73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? yes I do!
74. What red object is closest to you right now? the Exit sign above the door!
75. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth? yes I do
76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? doesn't matter - usually closed
77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? thats a silly question...
78. Do you flirt a lot? sometimes
79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? nothing
80. What is your favorite food? probably italiano
81. Can you change the oil on a car? well I watched once, does that count? Justin would say no... but I beg to disagree!
82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? yes
83. Have you ever run out of gas? yes
84. What is your usual bedtime? I would say probably 11... on average anyway
85. What was the last book you read? last one I was reading was ECG Made Easy
86. Do you read the newspaper? sometimes
87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? NursingMadeEasy
88. Best comedian? not sure
89. Do you watch soap operas?nope - Jilly watches All my kids though...
90. Do you dance in the car? sure do!
91. What radio station did you last listen to? KX*96 (country)
92. Who is in the picture frame closest to you? no pic frames here...
93. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper? "Goodmorning Sunshine! I've gone to church... be back around 1pm - love you tons - princess
94. What is your favorite candle scent? Vanilla or Cinnamon
95. What is your favorite board game? definitely not monopoly - I always loose!
96. Where do you attend church? while in ON
97. When was the last time you attended church? Sunday...
98. Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Miss Ross - who later became Mrs. Parker... she was a wonderful woman!
99. What is the longest you have ever camped out in a tent? in a tent?! ha ha ha maybe two nights!
100. Who was the last person to do something extra special for you? umm... I don't remember


Monday, November 20, 2006

this just might make me sick...

ok... so I've been home for about an hour - still freezing cold!!! and my feet hurt (blisters broken open and bleeding...)

yes I know... whine whine - big baby... I got on the wrong bus... took an hour detour after babysitting this evening... ugh...

Babysitting was great though - we watched Cars... great movie... and played with Tinkertoy! and lego and coloured and and and... smiles... I love my boys...

I think that I might brave the pain of submersing my blisters into a bath for the sake of warming up... hmm... anyway - outta here for now - I am hoping for a productive educational day tomorrow (ASSIGNMENTS DUE!!!)

22 days til BC... so much to do!


Sunday, November 19, 2006

angry or sad?

anger is a signal... and one worth listening to.

Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they are angry, they bring about a change. - Malcolm X

I have a right to my anger, and I don't want anybody telling me I shouldn't be, that its not nice to be, and that somethings wrong with me because I get angry. - Maxine Waters

Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to become angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody's power, that is not easy. - Aristotle

Well... it was a wonderful day... spent time with my Papa, then some long awaited time with my sweet 'sis' Brittney... we made lunch, played monopoly, talked, walked all the way to church! and talked some more - and best of all laughed and laughed... gotta love her!

So where does the angry come in... we were just sitting down at church in the evening, when Brittney's mom walked in... sigh - we had to leave (she is not to be in contact with her kids right now due to a CAS case) GRRR....

This is a situation that my heart has been battling with for the past few weeks... I think I am gonna go see the pastor about it... I need some more direction... I am so angry its incredible! But I think that at the heart of my anger is such an intense sadness...

Well... I best not sit and stew over this for long... just fuels a fire that shouldn't be lit....


Friday, November 17, 2006

blessed beginning

Its so wonderful when you wake up at 5am... lounge around for about 15 minutes... frantically get ready for your bus (have to leave house by 5:45) only to find that your precious roommate has apparently been up since 2am and wants to drive you in... ahhh time to breathe... take things a little slower - I love it!

Also to start my day - my email was full of delightful messages from darling loved ones! Some with super exciting news... some with 'miss you' messages... and others with plans for an exciting night of celebration!

I also have to add (cuz I completely forgot to yesterday) I that I received the most wonderful email from Pastor Mike yesterday... such a blessing! I miss you guys!

So now... I still have another half hour... guess what I am gonna do?!


Thursday, November 16, 2006

carter and carin

Today was just Carter and I... it was a nice change as Kara decided to pick up Ethan from pre-school and spend some one on one with him...
So what did we do you ask?! What didn't we do!! First of course we had some lunch - a Timmy's bagel... he was so adorable "you want one Tarin?" "for you Tarin" (he can't pronounce the letter 'c' very well yet) After he finished that it was time for some quiet time... Spot... gotta love Spot - after that we went down to the basement, which is really a wonderland of toys - and their bikes and scooters are down there also - so we rode around on those for a while... played with a few other things then headed back upstairs... to make a card for Ethan and mommy... so cute!
Once he was tired with that we went upstairs and played in his bedroom for a bit... read a book and then we were hiding in the fort we built when Carter decided that we should go see if Ethan was home yet... not yet - so we played with all the Thomas trains in the playroom (which by the way is like a dream playroom!)
As soon as we heard the door... it was the cutest thing in the world! Carter ran to the door just as Ethan was running in... hugs... adorable! Then Ethan had to tell me ALL about his adventures of the day... it was Pizza day at school don't ya know! smiles... I love those boys... and am gonna miss them bad....

Got home and went over to Kandi's for a bit... it was nice to visit with her - she's a great lady!

And after a shower and some Grey's.... I am ready for bed (not really, but I gotta try - cuz the bus comes at 5:55am... and I won't get home til about 8pm... so dreamland for me - too funny!)


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Coburn's Transportation Systems

a.k.a. Atlas Van Lines Canada - they are the moving company that will be transporting all of my belongings out to Beautiful British Columbia... they come to pact the truck on December 8... less than one month away... yikes!

It will then take them about 10 days before I will get the stuff... but that is ok because I should be out there by Saturday Dec 16... after spending days on the bus... I really don't mind TOO much about the whole bus thing (I like the time to myself, to read, to think, to listen to music...) the only concern that I have is that my back has been pretty sore lately... and three days in a bus in one seat isn't going to be so great... so can anybody say HOTSPRINGS! smiles...

Also today... I was up early enough to go to class... (where I posted that beautifully long survey) and talked to my darlin sugar buns... gosh I love her!

Made it home by about 11 or so (Amanda had to get a car wash... fun fun!)... did some laundry... then got some packing/organizing done in the garage.... then Dan from the moving company came to give me my quote and to check out what I actually had to move - turns out the quote is going to be less than originally thought!

After he left... I had a good chat with my Jillybean... she might move too! yikes! Then made some dinner for BJ and Jilly... good ol KD n hotdogs... lol... (BJ's been craving it)....

Then - had to call CAA (I love them - cuz they rescued me in the summer while stranded in Winkler, MB) - cuz BJ locked his keys in his car... and couldn't manage to break it... but that was Jilly's fault, cuz she wasn't holding the screwdriver right - lol.. yeah right...

Then (yes, I know - very full day!), talked with Christina (from Mills) about a dinner party that we are going to have once I get to Terrace! I am excited for it!

Then... (lol - getting tired of it yet?!) made up evites for my birthday bash... before I depart ON...but I am going to have to do something out in Terrace too!

Ok... now... hmm... dishes are done... I could work on an assingment... NAH!


wow Tams... this is a long one!

NINE last things you did
9. last place you were: at home in bed, now I am on campus...
8. last tv show watched: um Gilmore Girls (last night)
7. last beverage: Cawfee
6. last movie watched: The Breakup
5. last phone call: Somer or Leslie (getting together for dinner)!
4. last song played: Good girl
3. last bubble bath: sad but I don't remember!
2. last time you cried: Yesterday.
1. last alcoholic drink: halloween

EIGHT have you evers
8. have you ever dated someone twice: nope - gone out twice, does that count?
7. have you ever BEEN cheated ON: yes
6. have you ever kissed someone: I have...
5. have you ever kissed someone you regret: yes
4. have you ever fallen in love: yep
3. have you ever lost someone: not really
2. have you ever been depressed: I have
1. have you ever been drunk and thrown up: yes (I don't think I like these 'have you evers')

SEVEN states (or provinces) you've been to.(not including the one u live in now)
1. British Columbia
2. Alberta
3. Saskatchewan
4. Manitoba
5. New York
6. Ohio
7. Alaska

FIVE things you do on a daily basis
1. check emails
2. cawfee
3. talk to Papa
4. eat
5. work in some way

THREE favorite colors
1. Orange
2. Red
3. ocean blue

So Far in 2006 I have:
Been to school - I have... almost done now!
Made a new friend - lots of new friends!
Laughed until you cried - sure thing!
Went behind your parents back - don't really have any reason to... don't live at home
Cried over an ex - not really
Disappointed someone close - yes... my Papa
Pretended to be happy - yeah...
Met someone who changed your life - reunited with them, yes
Lost someone close to you - no
Gotten close to someone - a few people
Given up something important to you - somewhat
Found out who your true friends were - yes...

1. Are you currently mad at someone? Yes
2. Which of your friends has the worst temper? probably Lee...
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? no, not in anger
4. Does your face turn red when you’re angry? I don't think so
5. When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? probably stare angrily... but I am not very good at expressing anger - I usually bottle it up, supress it... sad

1. Has anyone ever thrown you a suprise party? sure thing! last one was Heather's bday
2. Are you easily excited? at times
3. What event is coming up that you’re most excited about? moving to BC
4. Which of your friends gets you the most excited? I couldn't say
5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? pay off the debt!
6. If you could have anything right now - no more debt!
7. Love or money? love love love...

Do you support?
1. Sex before marriage? no
2. Lowering the drinking age? definitely not
4. Capital Punishment? hmm
5. Abortion? nope...
6. Recycling? yes I do, but I am not very good at it!

More random:
1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering? back of my bedroom door
2. What kind of mouse pad do you have? I have a laptop - sans mouse
3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush? I use a brush
4. In your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celebrity? oh my - hard to say...
5. You have a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue? my projects never usually involve tape or glue... sad
6. Chicken or pork? poultry for me!
7. By the time you get to school, is it still dark? well depends if I have to take the bus...
8. If you had a choice to be a unicorn or mermaid which would it be? probably a unicorn... cuz I am not a big fan of swimming with fish - but mermaids are prettier
9. What color is your underwear? navy blue right now
10. What time does the sun usually set? not really sure - 5:30/6
11. What/who do you think of last before you go to sleep? my love
12. AC or fan? hmm
13. Do you wear braces? never have
14. Can you do a hand stand? nope...
15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair? never thought of that one before!
16. What level English are you in? finished OAC english - wich is gr 13 and then almost finished my undergraduate degree...
17. Jessica Simpson or Alba? they are both gorgeous women -exteriorly
18. Which subject is worse, English or Math? math - if you ever get me as a nurse - check my med math!!
19. What’s one thing you really want to do this very moment? graduate
20. What movie are you embarrassed to admit you’ve watched? couldn't tell ya
21. CD player or iPOD? both
22. Would you rather spin upside down going 30 mph or drop 400 feet from a bungie cord? oh my is that even a choice - I guess the drop - but I don't want to bungee - I want to skydive, can I switch?
23. Whats your favorite shape? never thought of that... I like all shapes I think...
24. What do you have planned for the weekend? 12hr shifts on the cario pulmonary floor...
26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and paper, what would you do? I would write - or maybe draw
27. Is it always easy finding your remote every time you want to watch TV? sure is - I always keep it in the same spot
28. How was your day? It is just beginning...smiles
29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut? I like to grow them... but they usually end up breaking so I cut them...
30. Describe your handwriting: its unique, decent, legible...
31. Do you consider yourself a stalker? borderline...
32. Do you bruise easily? I sure don't...
33. There’s nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you do?probably just turn it off... but if I had to pick - Barney for sure
34. Do you know more then 3 myspace codes? no idea what it is
35. You got an essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which will it be? typed - much more professional
36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home? Sure...or jammies
37. Describe yourself using three words: Caring, loyal, passionate
38. Do you use deodorant? you better hope I do!
39. Do you like ice in your drink? depends on the drink

**holy jumpin... that one took me quite a while... I started it in class and had to save as a draft (cuz we left class early) and now at home finished it!


Why God Allows Pain...

I just read this on someone else's journal... I though it was pretty incredible!

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects.
When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "Idon't believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.
"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things."
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop.
Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt.
The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist."
"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"
"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did,there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."
"Ah, but barbers DO exist! What happens is that some people do not come to me."
"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens is that people don't go to Him and do not look for Him.That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

on the inside

Don't read unless you enjoy eavesdropping! *wink (lots of it won't make sense - but I've got to ramble)

Papa you know my heart... and it looks like I have it all together right now - and really I can't see where I don't... but on the inside - I am feeling kind of a mess... not really sure why... Pause

Maybe its my upcoming move... I know that this is your leading, but while I feel the excitement of the adventure, my heart aches for what I am leaving behind... *tears
Its hard to move away from the familiar, from people that I love - from people that I KNOW love me... to a place that is small, secluded, and where I have no deep relationships... There are people that I know and love dearly... most of my family is there and that gives me some hope - and I am sure there are more who love me also - I don't mean it like that Papa... but you know what I mean... the deep connection - at least I will have you... no matter what happens, where I go... I will have you - and I am learning that you are more than enough for me...

It all seems so much bigger than who I am... I feel so helpless sometimes... and then deep inside of me I wonder... will I get lost and forgotten in the place that nobody has heard of called Terrace? But then no, destiny cries out in me...

5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
6 "Ah, Sovereign LORD," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child."
7 But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. 8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.
9 Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth. 10 See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."
(Jeremiah 1:5-10)

I want to be and do all that you have called me to... but while I feel all of this, I still ache for all that I leave behind... and thats ok, I am mourning the 'death' of my past... Papa, I trust you and I know that you have plans for my life (I may not have a sweet clue how they will take shape) and I know that you will fulfill them... afterall, everything else you have promised you have always come through on for me...

Now that I have just verbally spewed words... and tears... I am tempted to just delete this but I want to be honest always... and really it would just be my pride that wouldn't want to share my hurt... to want to appear like I have it all together... I don't! And I want to be humble always...

So with this new beta blog - you have post options... and labels that you can put on them... any ones that are my 'times with Papa' I am labelling "My sacred romance" and in honour of the delicacy and intimacy of those times - I am going to choose to not have comments... if you choose to read my journals - you are more than welcome - just please remember that I am human and these times are 'sacred' to me


class is cancelled...

I slept in today... until about 10:30! I haven't been able to do that in a long time! I mean I have had the time to do it... just haven't actually been physically able! It was kind of nice... although now I am thinking that I like to be up earlier... feels like there is more to my day - like now its already afternoon... and I am just getting motivated! yikes! I guess I am allowed to do that every now and again....

Besides, class for today is cancelled - lol... the only class we actually get marks for attending... the only class I have on a tuesday... and really the only class that has an exam at the end - lol and its cancelled... how can this not be a good day!

Tuesdays are always great too because we always go out after class for something to eat - class is usually done by about 6 so we have made it a 'tradition' to go out... because this semester is all over the map for most of us tuesday is the only day that we all have class together and see each other really all week! A big change from the previous years!
The ladies in the picture are my closest friends at school... (ME - yes I love myself, Andrea - my chauffeur this year, Amanda - the upcoming bride!, Leslie - so wonderful, and last but certainly not least Somer - my JF pal) This pic was at Leslies house sometime last semester - we were celebrating Andrea's birthday - she turned 21 this year!
So today - I have started my laundry - two big loads today!! I am going to head to the mailbox shortly to get my mail - I have to change my address with everything (one month until Terrace)... I am going to try to work ahead a bit on my next assignment (yah right)... and of course dinner with my nurses!


Monday, November 13, 2006


I got up this mornin and thought that I would venture out and do some shopping... had to look for a few treasures... some for christmas and others for... just cuz!

I went first to Timmy's to get a coffee... mmm... first coffee of the day is always the best! Then headed to Value Village... and wondered why on earth is is sooo busy at 9am! Turns out it was a 50% off sale! Perfect... chaos is the best way to describe it! I found some great deals... only wish I knew everyone's sizes!

My journey continued as I headed to the OC - Oshawa Centre.... again always a crazy place to visit with over 200 stores! I didn't find what I was looking for there though... so I headed to the next stop...

I only had to pick up a few things here... nothing special... but then of course had to stop at Timmy's again... this time had to make sure I picked up an extra coffee for my love... I knew she would be waking up by about this time... (about 3pm) she's not lazy - just works midnights all the time... :)

And tonight...
my hip hop dance class comes to an end... with a recital! We are dancing to a Sean Paul song... one I admit to liking quite a bit! Should be fun - was absolutely wonderful to do this with my sweet love Chandra... thanks darling...


Sunday, November 12, 2006

my yesterday

SO yesterday was great... I had coffee with my friend Shannon... we have known each other since kindergarten... she was always one of my favourite people in school - always so kind and friendly... and it delights my heart that we are still friends today! We talked as if we had never parted.... as if a single day had not been missed - it was wonderful! Our lives are so similar in some ways so it was nice to just be able to talk... and to know that you are loved and have been loved through the hardest times in your life... Thanks Shan

Later that day at about 2:30 I caught my first of three buses to Toronto... First the durham transit bus to the oshawa bus terminal, then the GO bus York Mills stn., then the subway to Eglinton, then walked for a half hour in the wrong direction... turned around and made just in time for an incredible dinner!
Kevin's mom was up from the states for a visit so that is why I went last night... she is one of the most incredible people that I know... truly an amazing woman... I met her at Easter when we drove down there to visit. She gave me a Father Christmas that I can't wait to bring out! Bud was there too... he was so surprised to see me! His face was so wonderful... he adores me and thinks I am the most wonderful person in the world - how can you not love someone who loves you like that!
Anyway... Bud drove me to the York Mills stn to save me the subway trip - sweet of him... then I made the journey home... and made it home by about 11:30 - completely exhausted... days like that I wish I had my car... soon enough I guess...
It was such a full day - I am sooo thankful for every part of it - even the getting lost part I guess... giggles...

Today was great too... but the post is entitled 'my yesterday' so I better leave it at that!
Although I will quickly add a great big THANK YOU to my sweet love for dinner... which was apparently my birthday dinner - a little early... but thank you a zillion times over - I love spending time with you!


Four things...

Four jobs I have had:
1. Babysitting
2. Child/Youth Worker - group home
3. Nurse travel companion
4. Undergraduate Nurse

Four movies i could watch over and over again:
1. Ever After
2. Centre Stage
3. A Little Princess
4.Anne of Green Gables

Four place's I have lived:
1. Bowmanville, ON
2. Oshawa, ON
3. Courtice, ON
4. Soon to be... Terrace BC

Four T.V. shows I watch:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Friends
4. ummm

Four places i have been on Vacation:
1. Barcelona/Italy/Paris
2. Japan
3. Alaskan Cruise
4. Soon it will be GREECE!

Four favorite foods:
1. Chocolate
2. Cawfee
3. Peanut Butter
4. Sugar Crisp

Four places I rather be right now:
1. on a beach somewhere hot!
2. in the mountains
3. at church
4. um, I am really quite content where I am...

Four highlights in my everyday life:
1. Time with Papa
2. Time with friends
3. clinical (working at hospital)
4. missing the bus! - story of my tired feetsies lives!

Four songs I listen to on repeat :
1. Collision
2. The way you love me
3. Good girl
4. Falling

Four things I miss right now:
1. Terrace and its citizens... wink
2. warmer weather
3. having a car - I always screw up the bus schedule!
4. having a real church family... now off to a great church who is babysitting me til I get back to the Rock... giggles

*thanks Jess for posting that... it was fun!


Friday, November 10, 2006

disappointment... again

I shouldn't be surprised, but he has cancelled once again. I thought that I was past the point of being disappointed with him but as it turns out I am just really good at hiding it.

Even right now as I sit here trying to get a hold of my thoughts and feelings, I don't have much attachment to it... oh well I say - I have lots that I can do... but if I am honest with myself, I was looking forward to seeing him.

I think it frustrates me, no hurts me, because I really ask for so little from him and he still can't even do that. And then I ask myself - why do I even bother at all.... because beneath it all, I know he loves me, beneath it all he is hurting, beneath it all he is afraid to see his failures...

I have to say though, it is encouraging to me to see how far I have come in this entire situation - I no longer blame myself and think that I am not good enough for him, nor do I 'caretake' the situation... the choices he makes are his own and are not mine to carry... I do however have to deal with the effects of his choices (ex. him not coming to see me) and I think the saddest part for me is that I have desensitized to it, I have come to expect him to be a 'no show'.... that is sad to me - because I am someone who always tries to see the best in a person, someone who always believes in God's grace over people's lives... that is sad to me because he is my father and no child should ever feel that way about their parent. Dad's should be the heros, the role models, the champion, the rescuers, the safe place for their children - their daughters... Mine is not... at least one of them is not...

My Papa on the other hand is all of those - he is my hero, he is my role model, my champion, my rescuer, and my constant safe place... I can honestly say that in the places where my earthly father has failed me - Papa has been right there to catch me and to guide me and teach me and most importantly... to love me. My Papa is the one who taught me (his princess) what my standards should be and how to live my life... My Papa is the one who calls me his princess and loves me the way that a father should...

Sometimes I don't know how to tell people why I believe in Jesus, or why I talk about God the way that I do... but all I know is that if people could step into my world for just one moment - there would be no denying his presence in my life... he has been the most faithful 'person' I have ever known... when everyone else 'abandoned' me... he was there... when I was ready to take my own life... he was the one who stopped me... how could I not love someone like that? - how can someone like that not be real?

So when my earthly father disappoints me... guess where I go - to my Papa for a hug... I climb on his lap and he wraps his arms around me and he says "I am here my precious daughter... I am here"


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

busy days ahead...

back to the cardio pulmonary floor tomorrow for another twelve hour day... sounds like I am complaining I know... but really I am not... I love being a nurse - so it should be good (and its only one day)...
Friday - I have a lunch date with my dad... a reflective progress note due and a dinner date with my darling Trish...(been way too long since we've been out)
Saturday - another coffee date with my darling Shan (friend from kindergarten) - can't wait! Then heading into Toronto for a dinner date with Marilyn, Kevin and Kevin's mom (who is visiting from the states - she is absolutely wonderful!)
Sunday - church and relax... (and try to get some homework done)

Today I went to campus where I had my CPR re-cert... (had to be in by Dec. 1) otherwise... had a very lazy day...
Tonight - bed cuz I gotta work tomorrow! :)


Monday, November 06, 2006


Much grows in the valleys...

Psalm 23 - going through valleys...

If you knew what the valleys would look like ahead of time... would you still answer the call... hmm probably not! For this reason I am so thankful that God doesn't tell me ahead of time what my valleys will be... cuz if he did I may not have answered the call!

The same God who has brought me through the very worst times in our life will take us through this time now... we just have to trust like David did...

I find that oftentimes I want to move out of the valleys as fast as I can - to avoid the pain that sometimes accompanies the walk from the valley to the peak... but I am beginning to recognize that pain is a good thing! Pain tells us that growth is happening... remember when you were a kid and you would get pains in your legs... growing pains... life was happening... and it was good, you were maturing...
It is the same with the spirit... when we feel pains we are growing... being made whole... the length of the process depends on the depths of the issues or the stubborness of the person ;)

It would be nice to think of living on the mountain top always... but there is soo much in the valleys that makes life the incredible journey that it is! The lavishness of life is found in the valley... the trials and tribulations... the pain and the sorrow - they all indicate to us that we are alive! That we still have purpose - that we are changing - being changed..

And we learn so much in the valleys... we learn how to go through the next one... we learn how to live on the the mountaintops while we are there... we build character...

Not really sure where I am going with this... smiles... guess I just really needed to remind myself to embrace the valley's of life along with the peaks... I am having a bit of a rough time right now...grieving an unhealthy friendship - learning to surrender it to God... to let him carry it for me - his shoulders are built for that... and he does a better job of it too!


fat feet

So I woke up this morning and went to the kitchen... ouch! My feet are fat from walking so far in the wrong shoes!! and they are blistered on the bottoms! Oh my!! It was a good walk though...

Today I am off to Whitby to hang with my boys... I sure am going to miss them when I am out west... sigh... sometimes its hard to leave things behind... and they represent a part of my life that is changing also so I think that makes it even harder for me...

Ok, short post cuz I gotta go get my stuff together then skadadel for the bus! Squishes for everyone...

p.s. I have dance class later tonight (I missed the last two weeks for work purposes so I have tons to catch up on!) Chan is picking me up from Whitby (what a wonderful marvelous person she is!!) then we are gonna hip hop hip hip hop! giggles... looking forward to it with my fat feet!


Sunday, November 05, 2006


Goodness how time flies! I just thought that I would update the world on my clinical adventures...
That whole blessing in disguise bit turned out to be simply a day off... lol... My preceptor had not switched to nights and called me later that morning to let me know... too funny! So I went in yesterday and we all ordered Swiss Chalet for lunch (not my favourite) - my preceptor had called me a second time to let me know that they were ordering out... what a wonderful preceptor I have!
Also at the hospital we have a Tim Hortons... and my preceptor always buys me coffee... I don't think I could ask for much better than that!
Ok - so one more day of clinical... gosh they tire me right out! But I love it so its all good! smiles... have a great day everyone!
(oh and if anyone's bored... I got a few assingments that you can do!)


Friday, November 03, 2006

Blessing in disguise

A disguise usually indicates that something is hidden.... and you are unable to recognize it... that was certainly the case only an hour ago when I was stanging outside in the bitter cold, waiting for a bus that would never appear (our transit has been on strike for four weeks and was to be back today!)... I was ticked...and not to mention - supposed to be at the hospital in less than an hour... what was I going to do!

I walked back home... found the telephone number and extension for my floor - called and said that I was going to be late....turns out, that my preceptor is working nights not days this weekend! Who knew!!

So the bus not showing was really the greatest thing that could ever have happened... could you imagine how upset I would have been if I'd gone all the way to the hospital before realizing that she wasn't going to be there?! Wow!

So there is a lesson here, I know Papa, I know... I have to learn to trust that my steps are ordered by you, that you can see the bigger picture... that I can't just get all upset before talking to you and finding out what is happening... I believe it goes something along the lines of... slow to anger... trust in the lord and he will direct your steps.... he sees the hidden things... Yes Papa... LOTS to learn! smiles... thank you for your love and your patience...

Sooo... another good thing to come of all of this.... I get the chance to work nights - I don't quite know how I am going to stay up all night especially when I went to bed and got a good sleep last night for a full day today (gonna have to TRY to nap) - but I wanted this chance... nights... they are so much more different and I am looking forward to embracing every aspect of nursing!

Almost done... 34 days left I think!


Thursday, November 02, 2006


Chan... Lana... thanks girlies for a great night out! Rascal Flatts definitely gives a good show... and a quality one!!! You girls are super special... and if I could sing as well as Gary and the gang... I would sing this song for you! (it truly is my wish for you!)

05. My Wish
I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow
And each road leads you where you want to go
And if you’re faced with the choice and you have to choose
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you
And if one door opens to another door closed
I hope you keep on walkin’ ‘til you find the window
If it’s cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile
But more than anything, more than anything

My wish for you
Is that this life becomes all that you want it to
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
You never need to carry more than you can hold
And while you’re out there gettin’ where you’re gettin’ to
I hope you know somebody loves you
And wants the same things too
Yeah, this is my wish

I hope you never look back but you never forget
All the ones who love you And the place you left
I hope you always forgive and you never regret
And you help somebody every chance you get
Oh, you find God’s grace in every mistake
And always give more than you take
But more than anything, yeah more than anything
This is my wish I hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big

(I'll post pics when I get them!)
